Pride season is here! So for many around the world we've had to change how we celebrate pride in the past couple of years due to Covid-19. This year will be the first time in a number of years we are celebrating how we are used to. Hopefully we can use our visibility, voice and impact as a community to continue the progression and movement for better equality, rights and a end towards homophobia and transphobia.

Unfortunately from time to time you read or hear about someone who has been attacked and abused due to their sexuality. With more representation on a larger scale lets hope we can educate people and end the discrimination what can be learnt from either a family environment, friends or through school. The more we stand together, the stronger we are and the more we can change the world for a better place to be ourselves to live in and not carry any fears around with us due to our sexuality. 

I hope everybody enjoys any pride events they may attend and have plenty of fun and be safe. - QB

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